


I mean what can we say really? The industry and the art speaks for itself. Are we better than everybody else? Do we have the best product on the market? Basically, are we the best thing since sliced bread? The simple honest answer is no. There, I said it.

There is no such thing as the best. There will always be another level to strive for. That's what we're good at. Striving, pushing, innovating ... good old fashioned determined creativity. Creative constructs that are now. Forget the past, it's done and gone, keep it moving. Forget the future because it's never going to happen. If it does it's called the present.

You're here now. We're here now. It's all happening now! Let's all get together and be a part of this happening thing called dubjohnson23 ... now ... as we lead our lives.

P.S. Please don't start singing kumbaya.